Expert calls for Sino-Philippine people exchanges

April 19, 2012 Edited by He Shan

President Lu Zuyin of Federation of Filipino-Chinese Association of the Philippines told China News Service (CNS) people-to-people contact should be enhanced to promote friendship between China and the Philippines.

Federation of Filipino-Chinese Association of the Philippines, established soon after the two countries began their diplomatic relationship, is dedicated to strengthening Sino-Philippine relationships by facilitating people-to-people exchanges.

In celebration of the Sino-Philippine Friendship and Exchange Year (2012-2013), the Federation helped to organize the Traditional Chinese Lanterns Festival in the national park on March 11, which served to introduce Chinese culture to the Philippines.

Lu said the organization will invite both Chinese and Filipino theater troupes to perform starting on June 9 in different places in the Philippines for four consecutive sessions. The shows are to celebrate the anniversary of the establishment of Sino-Philippine relations.

Besides cultural exchanges, the strengthening economic and educational ties benefit both sides in many ways, Lu said.

With ancestral roots in Shishi city, Fujian Province, Lu is an entrepreneur dedicated to educational cause. He has made donations to many schools and set up scholarship to help students with financial difficulties.